Death Wish (1974)

Death Wish (1974)

Director: Michael Winner
Writers: Brian Garfield (novel), Wendell Mayes (screenplay)
Stars: Charles Bronson, Hope Lange, Vincent Gardenia

Plot: Death Wish is a 1974 vigilante action film loosely based on the novel Death Wish by Brian Garfield. A man who becomes a vigilante after his wife is murdered and his daughter is sexually assaulted by muggers.

Rebooted: Death Wish, open in theaters on March 2, 2018 (USA).

2 thoughts on “Death Wish (1974)

  1. 70’s and 80’s Gunslinger’s: There was Clint Eastwood, “Are you feeling lucky punk? Go ahead make my Day.” Then there was Charles Bronson, “Do you believe in Jesus? Well, you’re gonna meet him.” Classical movie moments.